60 seconds solution, 60 minutes explanation.
# Apuntes (opens new window)
# Index
2021/November/29 - Laravel Config, Drivers and Managers
2021/July/21 - Migrate Continuous Integration From Travis CI to GitHub Action
2019/April/29 - Static v.s. Self in PHP
2019/April/15 - Float Precision
2019/April/02 - 利用AWS Instance Scheduler 達成EC2 & RDS 自動開/關機
2019/March/28 - 比較 Pass by Value / Reference / Name
2019/March/25 - Github pages佈置靜態網站 + 透過DNS服務換成自訂的網域
2019/March/21 - Docker - 淺談底層原理
2019/March/18 - 使用Bitbucket Pipelines 來實做Continuous Delivery / Deployment